How to consult the leader boards Look up the ranking of ETFs on the basis of the best performance and choose the period that interests you the most... The return given for 3 years and 5 years is extrapolated to the year, i.e. it relates to the average return on an annual basis of each security, expressed as a percentage. This makes it possible to classify the various funds among them.
By the way, it’s possible to select the other time intervals within each ranking list.

Data Source The values and results are provided by which undertakes to check the accuracy of the values and published information but assumes no responsibility for their actual accuracy.
Select the reporting period that you want to view.

The published data is the performance rankings of funds/ETFs/shares based on the prices asset management company and stock exchange publish daily.
MoneyController does not provide recommendations on buying or selling securities. We also do not provide trading signals for securities or engage in any activities related to drawing on public savings.

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